Thursday 21 July 2016

Bodybuilding Tips For Beginners Revealed

If you are a looking for information on how to start bodybuilding, then these bodybuilding tips for beginners are something you most definitely have to read! We will talk about the right attitude when bodybuilding and whether you should start with free weights or machines.

Finally I will explain why most of your exercises in your routine should be compound exercises.

After reading the bodybuilding tips for beginners in this article you should be much more confident in your own skills and have a clear path to follow as a beginner.

The right attitude is perhaps one of the most important tips that you can get from an experienced lifter. It is often overlooked by the beginning bodybuilders when starting out. It's easy to get side-tracked by the other things that life throws at you. Be consistent with your routine, don't stop after a week to try out the latest 'muscle workout' from some fancy magazine. Stay alert and keep with your current program for at least 8 - 12 weeks.

Don't get thrown off by other guys (or gals!) who handle a lot more weight in the gym than you. Keep focusing on your goals and your loads will increase with time. Consistency and Dedication is key here!

The second of our bodybuilding tips for beginners is about free weights and machines. When deciding between free weights and machines, as a beginning bodybuilder there is no need for you to isolate small muscle groups and 'weak links'. You need to recruit as many different muscle groups and accessory muscles as possible with each and every movement you do! This is VERY important to your success. The best way to make sure that you get the most bang for the buck is to choose free weight exercises in favor of machines.

Military press instead of a shoulder press machine, barbell bench press instead of a smith machine press and so forth.

When you are about to choose a machine, see if you can't find a way to do the same exercise with free weights instead. Machines do have their place in a workout regimen, but they should not be the main part of your program. They are great for rehabilitation and working around injuries, but if you are a healthy adult, there is no reason for you not to use free weights.

When starting out, you need to increase your loads carefully. Never increase the load with a lot just because you feel that you can. You have to use strict form at all times, otherwise you will suffer later down your training road. If you cannot add weight without sacrificing form, then try to do another rep in each set. Always strive to do more work each workout!

The most helpful exercises for beginners are compound movements. A compound movement recruits many key muscle groups in the body, and will therefore give you greater reward and with a bit of luck a few added calories burned. Some of the greatest compound exercises are the Bench Press, Squats and the Military Press.

To execute a barbell bench press, lie down on a flat bench, with your eyes looking at the front supports of the rack that the bar rests on. To warm up, execute a few reps with an empty bar. This will help you get a feel for the movement, and warm up your muscles. When ready, grip the bar slightly wider than your shoulders, with your thumbs on the outside of your closed fist. This is called an overhand grip.

Your arms should be at a 45 degree angle in relation to your body. Lock your elbows out before lowering the bar at the nipple line. Make sure to move the bar down to your chest in a straight line, NOT in an arc! Inhale when the bar comes down, then exhale and explode the bar upwards. Make sure to return the bar to above your chest, and go ahead with another repetition.

To finish, move the bar backwards from the lockout position until you can feel the rack and slowly lower the bar to rest.

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